How Can Help You Keep 2016’s New Year’s Resolutions
by Jaclyn Pitt | December 22nd, 2015 , This post was originally published on the SpareFoot Blog
With 2016 comes a new bundle of resolutions to keep. Is this the year you’ll stick to them? Let be the one to help you keep the promises you’ve made to the new you. Here are the trending 2016 New Year’s resolutions and how self storage can help you keep them. Good luck!
By far the most popular new years resolution year after year, many people vow to dedicate themselves to exercising on a regular basis. Unfortunately, one of the pitfalls of keeping up with this resolution is actually getting yourself to the gym once the novelty of determination wears off. Solution? Create a home gym.
If you want to get serious about staying fit for good, but have had trouble getting to the gym in the past, it’s time to consider bringing the gym to you.
How To Do It: Read the advice of home-gym expert, Matt Goodwin of EliteFTS, in this blog post for a list of the essential equipment you’ll need to create a home gym to help you get fit and stay that way.
How Self Storage Can Help: In order to create a gym in your home, you’ll likely need to empty out a spare room or clear a space in your basement. But that doesn’t mean you have to get rid anything or create clutter in other areas of the home. Instead, learn how self storage can help you transform a room in your home by clicking here.
Okay, it’s time to clean up that pile of junk in the corner. And that corner. Perhaps the one over there, too.
The days of saying you’ll clean that mess up later are over! And we’re here to help you out. Getting organized is kind of our thing.
How To Do It: Liked, Tweeted, and Pinned by many—this blog post that features 18 different home organizing websites is where you ought to begin your quest to become more organized. There you will find what each site is about, as well as an overview of the decluttering tips they offer.
Among those home organizing websites is the FlyLady. We think she’s pretty neat (pun intended), so we decided to talk to her. Read her proven advice about how 15 minutes can declutter your home.
How Self Storage Can Help: Whether you’re clearing off your countertops, have a closet you’re too afraid to open, or you can’t remember what your floors look like—getting rid of clutter doesn’t necessarily mean throwing everything away. While it’s important to ditch the items you can live without, it’s okay to keep things you still want but are seldom used. But rather than keeping them in your home, put them in a storage unit. That way, your home is clutter-free and you still have access to your belongings.
It’s always a good idea to save money. You never know when you’ll need it, but you’ll sure be glad it’s there when you do. There are oodles of ways you can stash the cash, but here’s our idea: downsize to a smaller living space.
How To Do It: Use this guide to downsizing to see the common reasons for downsizing, deciding whether or not you should downsize, and how to make downsizing an easy process.
How Self Storage Can Help: While downsizing your home means you’ll have less space, it doesn’t mean you’ll have less belongings. Not if you use self storage, that is! Read how self storage can help you downsize successfully, save money on rent, and how to go about finding an affordable storage unit.
Now that we’ve got the difficult new year’s resolutions out of the way, let’s talk about the ones that are more fun. How about learning a new type of craft? You could do anything from making clothes or jewelry to scrapbooking supplies or home decor. Whether you make them for fun, for money, or both—it’s a great way to challenge yourself.
How To Do It: First things first, decide which craft you’d like to make. If you need some inspiration, browse the crafters in this blog post who sell their talented creations on Etsy. Second, you don’t want your craft to suddenly take up a bunch of space in your home. Make sure you check out these DIY craft room hacks so that you aren’t swimming in craft supplies.
How Self Storage Can Help: Fast-forward to when your craft is selling like hotcakes because you decided to sell them on Etsy. Read how three Etsy shop owners made self storage a part of their success.
If you want to add a little more adventure to your life, there’s no better way to do it than travel. Nothing adds to your life quite like experiencing different cultures. Make 2016 the year you don’t hold back.
How To Do It: There are many jobs that allow you to travel, like an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, travel nurse, flight attendant or pilot, au pair—the list goes on. Changing jobs for the sake of being able to travel can be scary. But it’s also very exciting. That’s the point of living your life to the fullest though, right?
Want to be even more bold? How about dropping everything to go travel the world? This girl did it, and so can you.
How Self Storage Can Help: Should you decide to travel for work or leave it all behind to experience the different cultures of the world, chances are you’re not going to take everything you own with you. While traveling lightly is in your best interest, that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of a things like furniture, home decor, or even clothing. Read how self storage can be a temporary home for your belongings while you get out there and live life to the fullest.
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